PHOTO 16 - Rabbit kidney

Rabbit kidney.

Same histology section as that of picture 15 (longitudinal section) showing in addition, at the bottom, a cross section of a medullary ray at a higher magnification.


Four collecting ducts are visible (C) surrounded first by thick ascending limbs (which have a relatively thin epithelium in the cortex) and more peripherally, by the (descending) pars recta of proximal tubules.


L. Bankir, N. Bouby, MM Trinh-Trang-Tan and B. Kaissling.

Actualités Néphrologiques de l'Hôpital Necker (Editeur  JP Grünfeld), Flammarion Médecine-Sciences, 1986, pp. 66-69. Or/ou Advances in Nephrology (JP Grünfeld Editor), Year Book Medical Publishers, 1987, pp. 69-102


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