Chers Amis,
Je suis particulièrement heureux de vous inviter à participer en grand nombre au prochain congrès de l'ERA-EDTA qui, comme vous le savez toutes et tous, se déroulera à Paris (Palais des Congrès, Porte Maillot) du 24 au 27 mai 2012.
Le programme est déjà accessible dans ses grandes lignes sur le site de l'ERA-EDTA et celui de la Société de Néphrologie. Ce congrès est une grande chance pour la néphrologie francophone qui se doit de très bien figurer à l'heure où l'ERA-EDTA jouit d'un prestige grandissant en Europe et dans le monde, en particulier en Asie et dans les pays du Sud (plus de 8000 participants et de 110 nations au congrès de l' ERA-EDTA à Prague).
La date limite pour l'envoi des abstracts est le 13 janvier 2012. Je vous invite à écrire un nombre record d'abstracts dans tous les aspects de notre discipline. Habituellement la Francophonie est très à la traîne..... Il est important d'être présents si nous voulons rester visibles et compétitifs !
Merci d'avance pour votre participation!
Bien amicalement
Pierre Ronco
It is our great pleasure to invite you to Paris in May 2012 to take part in the 49th congress of ERA-EDTA. The Society is planning a meeting of outstanding scientific quality in the beautiful city of Paris.
The meeting will be held in the Palais des Congrès at Porte Maillot close to the Arc de Triomphe which is located in the heart of the city within walking distance of most hotels and less than 20 minutes by public transport from all points of interest.
The Scientific Committee, chaired by Jürgen Floege, is already working to ensure a wide choice of lectures and symposia covering the most aspects of basic and clinical Nephrology including the most recent research. CME sessions will be offered. Special negotiated rates for hotels in all categories will be available and travel grants awarded.
The Water Lilies, one of Claude Monet's best known paintings, was chosen as the symbol of the ERA-EDTA Congress in Paris for several reasons which we hope you will discover during your stay in our wonderful city -"la ville-lumière" or the city of light. Water and the life stemming from it, are symbols that relate easily to a discipline that was born from the effort to master salt and water balance and sought, through dialysis, to correct the water unbalance of the diseased kidneys. The similarities with Monet's work are even deeper. This great impressionist painter made over 250 oil paintings on the nympheas, in a constant search for perfection. As physicians, we may find our affinities with the painter's constant need to observe and describe the world. As researchers, we may identify with the search for the perfect light, through the repetition of studies of the same images, until they are seen from all the possible points of view. There is even a simple and deeper reason that guided our choice: the nympheas are just beautiful, and we all need beauty in our life devoted to medicine and research. The Water Lilies will be a recurrent theme of the Social Programme which we have already started to prepare for you. There are so many things to see and to feel in Paris.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Paris in May 2012.
Raymond Vanholder, ERA-EDTA President
Pierre Ronco, Congress President
Dominique Chauveau, Congress Secretary
ERA-EDTA Paris 2012
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