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DES - DEA - Ph.D - Other diploma
Thanks to Pr Bruno Moulin,
Président of the College Universitaire des Enseignats de Néphrologie (CUEN)
Full training in Nephrology drawing the trainee to obtainment of the " D.E.S. de Néphrologie " implicates the realization of :
- Practical instruction
The " Internat " lasts 4 years (8 half-years).
A minimum of 3 half-years in a accredited Nephrology Unit and 1 half-year in an Intensive Care Unit is required.
Some strongly suggest to add a period in specialities rela ted to nephrology (Diabetology, Infectious diseases, Cardiology...)
The trainees must encounter all aspects of clinical nephrology, hypertension, acute renal failure, chronic renal failure, acute dialysis, chronic dialysis and renal transplantation.
- Theoritical education
Theoritical education is based upon national seminaries, 2 seminaries per year during the 2 years of education (4 seminaries).
A regional education is also required : 3 one-day seminaries per year during 3 years (9 seminaries).
In addition, it is strongly suggested to participate to the meetings organized by the Société de Néphrologie and other scientific societies.
- Defense of a thesis
The end of the Internat and the validation of the DES require the defense of a thesis in front of a jury of nephrology teachers. It must be an orginal contribution, realized under the direction of a nephrology teacher.
37 DES were delivered in the year 2002.
Not required to obtain the DES, the DEA is a solid research formation by research. It is a key component of the medical and scientific formation. It also opens gates to the industry.
The DEA is required to obtain a " competency to manage research " (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches), the latter beeing required to become a professor.
Finally, the DEA is required to subscribe for a Ph.D.
This thesis is a high degree diploma which reveals the deep involvement of the candidate in scientific research. Theoritically not required to become professor, it is practically impossible to pass round.
Its value must remain at the highest level by exigency of quality (work in a laboratory during at least 2 years, publications of the results in recognized scientific journals...).
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